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Tag: athletic therapist

A woman is working in front of a computer and holding her head due to a headache

Headaches at Work: A Pain in the Neck

Almost everyone has had a headache at some point in their life, and likely also while at work. Most of the time they are temporary and can be resolved by drinking some water (dehydration), having a snack (low blood sugar), taking a break from the computer (movement) or taking an over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen or…
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Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury Prevention

By Stephen Woollard, Certified Athletic Therapist You have likely heard of an athlete sustaining an ACL injury in the news. Maybe an athlete sustained one and the report is that they are out for the season, or maybe even a career ending injury. But what is the ACL, how do they get injured, and what…
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10 Reasons Why Your Athletic Therapist is Better Than a Massage Gun

Written by Stephen Woollard, CAT(C) I’ve been working at a lot of sport events lately: BC 55+ games, hockey, rowing, softball etc. And I have noticed many athletes walking around with a massage gun. These nifty devices started showing up a few years ago and have become quite popular, especially since the price seems to be coming down now. Whenever I talk to an…
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Pain vs Soreness

Athletic Therapy

Athletic Therapy is for Everyone! The Athletic Therapists at TAC are highly skilled in injury assessment and rehabilitation and work with you to keep you doing the activities you love. We work with anyone who loves to move; from elite Olympic and Paralympic level athletes to those just getting into the world of physical health…
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