The health and safety of you and our community is our primary concern. Please see below for a summary of our current Communicable Diseases Policies and Procedures. We will update our policies as appropriate and keep you informed of any changes.
Pre-Appointment Health Screen & Preparation: You will be sent an online Required Health Screen form 48 hours prior to your appointment. Please complete upon receipt and contact us immediately if you answer “yes” to any of the screening questions.
We will not be able to see you in-person for any of the following reasons:
You have had a positive test for COVID-19 in the past 10 days.
You are exhibiting symptoms of ANY kind including fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, etc.
We will ask that you reschedule your appointment when clinically appropriate if any of your answers to the screening questions indicate that it is not safe for you to come in.
Safety Protocols
We have staggered our appointments times as much as possible to decrease contact with other patients, decreased the number of patients and staff in the clinic at a time and have added more time in between appointments to ensure thorough cleaning and disinfecting between patients as we have implemented enhanced cleaning protocols.
Note: We are going to be very mindful and doing our best to stay on time in order to properly clean and sanitize between appointments.
Upon Entering the Clinic:
You are no longer required to wear a mask upon entry to the clinic. However, some people will continue to wear them, therefore, we have a mask friendly policy and ask that you please respect other client’s or therapist’s decision to wear masks.
We do ask, if you have been recently sick or traveled internationally within 5 days, that you please do wear mask.
If you wish to wear a mask, you therapists will wear one as well.
We will no longer be supplying masks. If you wish to wear one, please bring your own.
You will be asked to wash your hands with soap or sanitize before your session.
Informed Consent:
We are communicating all of the policies and procedures that we have implemented with all of our patients to ensure that you understand that while we’ve taken measures to minimize risk of viral transmission, the nature of our profession means that physical distancing is not possible at all times.
Booking Your Next Appointment:
You can book your next appointment with our front desk staff, directly with your therapist, through our online booking system or by phone at 250.885.8405.