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Do You Have a “Bad” Injury?

Do You Have a “Bad” Injury?

As an Athletic Therapist, I encounter a wide range of injuries every day—acute, chronic, sprains, strains, tweaks, niggles, and everything in between. But there’s one category that stands out as particularly challenging: the “bad” injury.

What Defines a “Bad” Injury?

You’ll know you have a bad injury when you start referring to it in conversation: a “bad back,” “bad knee,” “bad shoulder,” or any other body part prefixed by “bad.” Another common symptom of a “bad” injury is when you avoid even trying certain activities of fear that you may not be able to handle it – “I can’t run, I have “bad” knees.” This label often signifies something more profound. It means you’ve accepted this injury as your new normal. Despite seeing multiple health professionals, you’ve resigned yourself to the idea that nothing more can be done, and this is just how life will be. Bad.

Challenging the Status Quo at The Athlete Centre

At The Athlete Centre, we refuse to accept this defeatist mindset. We believe that no injury should be deemed permanently “bad” and we always have hope that you can continue to build strength, improve mobility and even decrease pain regardless of your current limitations. Our mission is to work with you to transform your injuries, improve your quality of life, and help you return to the activities you love.

Take the First Step

If you feel like you’ve tried everything and seen everyone, you’re exactly the kind of client we’re here to help! Start by booking a free consultation today and take the first step towards changing the narrative around your injury. Let’s work together to make your “bad” injury a thing of the past.

Ready to reclaim your life? We can’t wait to turn your “bad” into something good!