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Author: Stephen Woollard

Improve your Running Performance

Did you know, up to half of all runners will get injured over the course of a year? If this is you, or you would like to prevent an injury, then consider a Running Assessment with Certified Athletic Therapist Stephen Woollard. Stephen will work with you to analyze your running form and review your training…
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Do You Have a “Bad” Injury?

As an Athletic Therapist, I encounter a wide range of injuries every day—acute, chronic, sprains, strains, tweaks, niggles, and everything in between. But there’s one category that stands out as particularly challenging: the “bad” injury. What Defines a “Bad” Injury? You’ll know you have a bad injury when you start referring to it in conversation:…
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A woman is working in front of a computer and holding her head due to a headache

Headaches at Work: A Pain in the Neck

Almost everyone has had a headache at some point in their life, and likely also while at work. Most of the time they are temporary and can be resolved by drinking some water (dehydration), having a snack (low blood sugar), taking a break from the computer (movement) or taking an over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen or…
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Fire the ”Laser” to Better Health: The Benefits of Class IV Laser

When you hear the word laser you might think of a laser pointer, a barcode scanner, or laser eye surgery. My mind tends to think of James Bond villains and sharks with laser beams attached to their heads a la Dr. Evil and Austin Powers. And while these are all good examples, I want to…
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Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury Prevention

By Stephen Woollard, Certified Athletic Therapist You have likely heard of an athlete sustaining an ACL injury in the news. Maybe an athlete sustained one and the report is that they are out for the season, or maybe even a career ending injury. But what is the ACL, how do they get injured, and what…
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Musicians: The Unsung Athlete

In the realm of athleticism, the image that typically comes to mind involves sweat-drenched uniforms, the pounding of feet on tracks, or the adrenaline-fueled clash of competitors on a field. Yet, there exists another breed of athlete, one whose arena is a concert hall, their equipment a musical instrument, and whose performance requires an intricate harmony of physical and mental…
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Keep Moving through the MOVE430 Challenge

We have officially reached the half-way point of the KidSport Move430 Challenge. After 15 days of daily activity, you might be feeling sore, tired, or encountered an injury depending on your activity level prior to the challenge. The practitioners at The Athlete Centre are here to help and support you through the next 15 days. Below are a few ideas that…
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10 Reasons Why Your Athletic Therapist is Better Than a Massage Gun

Written by Stephen Woollard, CAT(C) I’ve been working at a lot of sport events lately: BC 55+ games, hockey, rowing, softball etc. And I have noticed many athletes walking around with a massage gun. These nifty devices started showing up a few years ago and have become quite popular, especially since the price seems to be coming down now. Whenever I talk to an…
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