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Author: Rachelle Little


Kettlebell Training – Active for Life!

By Rachelle Little, Certified Athletic Therapist When I started kettlebell training two years ago, I thought, “Great, I’m excited to learn another way to move my body.” What I didn’t know was that it was going to make me better at doing all the things I was already doing! Kettlebell training can seem a bit…
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Day 2: Movement Mastery Foundations 1

In this video, Rachelle Little will take you through exercise progressions to help you master a squat, push-up, and lunge. Equipment Needed: a bench, chair, countertop, or edge of a couch; a dowel or broomstick. Optional: a weight for squats (could sub a backpack) Remember to enter your activity on the daily tracker and tag…
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Avoid Overtraining During Quarantine: Rachelle Little CAT(C)

This is a little anecdotal story from Rachelle Little, one of our amazing Athletic Therapists.  This post has some great take-home messages for avoiding injury when faced with changing type and volume of exercise suddenly.  A very relevant topic right now as many folks are taking advantage of all the excellent home workouts currently being…
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Pain and Posture When Working From Home

So you’re stuck working from home?  You don’t have your lumbar support chair or your angled keyboard and you’re worried that you will have “poor posture” working from your dining room table instead of your desk. Research is showing us that there is no perfect posture and we cannot expect every individual to function optimally…
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